When a Residence Permit is not required: Short Term Stays

When a Residence Permit is not required: Short Term Stays

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When a Residence Permit is not required: Short Term Stays

Foreign nationals who wish to remain in Italy for a period that is less than 3 months for visiting purposes, business, tourism and study, are not required to apply for a residence permit.  It is sufficient to simply declare one's presence on national territory. 

For persons who come from non-Schengen countries, the declaration of presence takes place with the border police by means of a recognised Schengen stamp on the travel document.

For persons who come, on the other hand, from countries under the Schengen Agreement, the declaration of presence can be carried out directly in the Questura (Police Headquarters) within 8 days of arrival, by completing the necessary form (see below). 

It is important that the duration of the stay on Italian territory does not exceed 3 months or the minimum term of the entrance visa, where required, and that entrance conditions are respected in full.

Where to go

Polizia di Stato (Questura) / State Police
Via Migliore Di Cino
, 10
 - 59100
Toll free: Emergencies: 113
Switchboard: 0574 5555
Phone numbers: Immigration Office: 0574 555606-611
Fax0574 555700
Office hours: Public Relations Office (URP)
-Monday to Saturday 08.30 - 13.30

-Monday to Friday 8.30 - 12.30
-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.30 - 12.30, 14.30 - 16.30
Applications are handled in the morning and permits are consigned in the afternoon.

-Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 9.00-12.00;
-Thursday 9.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00;
-Monday by means of an online appointment (only for submitting passport applications www.passaportonline.poliziadistato.it).

The office is closed on days prior to main holidays.
Opening Hours on the website:

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Last update: mercoledì 13 july 2016
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