Many types of residence permits can be converted without having to fall within the number established on a yearly basis by the Immigration Quota.
The conversions that can be carried out without being impacted by the Immigration Quota are:
conversion from employment to self-employment or elective residency;
conversion from self-employment to employment or elective residency;
conversion of all types of permits relating to family reasons (example: a pregnant woman whose permit was originally issued for health reasons), if the requirements for family reunification are met;
conversion from family reaons to employment, self-employment, pending employment or elective residency;
conversion from guardianship to employment, self-employment, pending employment, study;
conversion from integration of a minor (and any other permit issued to minors identified as unaccompanied) to employment, self-employment, study or pending employment;
conversion from humanitarian reasons to employment or self-employment;
conversion from humanitarian reasons for social protection or public safety to employment, self-employment or study;
conversion from study to religious reasons;
conversion from religious reasons to residency;
conversion from subsidiary protection to employment or self-employment;