How to apply for or renew a residence permit

How to apply for or renew a Residence Permit

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How to apply for or renew a residence permit

21.11.2016 - New management of the electronic residence permit delivered by the Police Headquarters (Questura).

Applications and renewal requests can be submitted through the Post Office (by compiling the yellow kit "Kit Giallo" which is also available at approved institutions and Prato Comune Immigration Office.

Certain types of permits on the other hand must be applied for directly in the Immigration Office at the (Questura) Police Headquarters. 

Likewise, for updates to your residence permit: change of address, change of marital status, addition of child, change of passport or for duplication, you can go to Prato Comune Immigration Office or to any approved institution, for assistance in compiling the "yellow kit" from the Post Office. 

Renewal applications to submit at the Post Office:

  1. guardianship (renewal);
  2. updating EU Long Term Residence Permit (ex Carta Di Soggiorno);
  3. updating Residence Permit(change of address, marital status, addition/removal of children, change of passport);
  4. pending employment;
  5. pending reacquisition of citizenship;
  6. political asylum (updates and renewal);
  7. EC Long Term Residence Permit (ex "carta di soggiorno")
  8. converting Residence Permit;
  9. duplicate Residence Permit/EU Long Term Residence Permit;
  10. family;
  11. family minor (14-18 years);
  12. employment and self-employment;
  13. special cases (provided for by art. 27 in the Immigration Legislation);
  14. subordinate seasonal employment;
  15. mission work;
  16. religious reasons;
  17. elective residency;
  18. scientific research;
  19. stateless status (renewal);
  20. study - apprenticeship, professional training.

Assistance in completing the paperwork

​For the compilation and electronic processing of these applications, the foreign national can avail of the services offered free of charge by approved institutions and at Prato Comune Immigration and Citizenship Services 

Renewal application to submit at the Questura

The Agreement between the Ministry for the Interior and Poste Italiane states that the following categories of residency applications are to be submitted to the Questura:

  1. Medical treatment;
  2. Sporting event;
  3. Working holiday;
  4. Subsidiary protection;
  5. Asylum application (issue and renewal);
  6. Political Asylum (initial application)
  7. Humanitarian reasons (issue and renewal);
  8. Aiding minors;
  9. Judicial reasons;
  10. Application for stateless status (renewal);
  11. Integration of a minor;
  12. Guardianship (initial application);
  13. Residence permit for family members of EU citizens.

Assistance in completing the paperwork

​When compiling the application documents for these permits, it is possible to avail of free assistance offered by Prato Comune Immigration and Citizenship Services who will prepare the paperwork for the Questura. 

Yellow Kit: compilation and consignment of permits

It is possible to apply for a permit through the post office application kit:

  • individually, at the time of permit application;
  • by asking for free assistance from the qualified staff at Prato Comune or any of the relevant Institutions.

The application kit must be submitted at the Help Desk (Sportello Amico) at the Post Office, in an open envelope. The applicant must be identifiable by a valid passport or similar document. When the Post Office accepts the application, the foreign national is issued with a legally recognised receipt. The receipt also shows the code required to check the progress status of the application on the website as well as the appointment date to be photographed at the Police Headquarters (Questura).

Required Documents

The documents to be attached to the application and to be subsequently presented at the photograph appointment at the Police Headquarters (Questura) differ according to the type of residence permit held. These are listed in the application kit or on the website: (page in Italian)

Further information on the forms and procedures can be obtained from Prato Comune Immigration and Citizenship Service or from the Institutions that have signed agreements with the Ministry for the Interior (a full list of approved council and institution offices is available here - page in Italian)

Payment contribution for the issuing and renewal of residence permits

The decree relating to payment for application/renewal of permits is in place from January 30th 2012.
This measure requires for payment at the Help Desk (Sportello Amico) at the Post Office when the kit/application for application/renewal is submitted.


​The amount to be paid is determined by the duration of the permit requested:

  • €40 for permits with a duration of three months up to one year;
  • €50 for permits with a duration of more than one year and less than or equal to two years;
  • €100 for permits with a duration over two years

Payment is not required from:

  • minors, including those who arrive through the family reunification procedure;
  • foreign nationals, and their chaperones, who enter Italy to undergo medical treatment;
  • applicants seeking residency for asylum, subsidiary protection or humanitarian reasons.
  • applicants for conversion/update of a residence permit that has not expired

Any further anomalous charges will be evaluated on the occasion of the subsequent photo appointment at the Immigration Office at the Questura.


  • €30.46 for the residence permit to be printed
  • €30 to be paid to the Post Office when the completed application is submitted (only for permit types that are not handled directly by the Questura)

  • €16.00 tax stamp to be attached to the paperwork being submitted

Where to retrieve the permit

The Immigration Office at the Questura, having carried out the legal checks and activated the electronic residence permit, calls the applicant to check the details of the permit and when all in order, conveys the permit.

From the 23rd of November the consignment of the electronic residence permit will be available only for people summoned in that day with an sms. The message will be send to the telephone number submitted by the citizen during the application submission. Check the convocation list

The permit is issued in the form of a plastic card with a microchip that contains all biometric details, information and online authentications.
The card has security characteristics that allow for the authenticity of the permit to be verified. 

The Legislative Decree n.40/2014 established a deadline of 60 days for the issuing, renewal and conversion of residence permits and for the issuing of Nulla Osta for non-seasonal subordinate employment.

Loss and Duplication of Residence Permit​

When a residence permit is stolen or lost, you must make a statement as soon as possible with the Police Force.

A duplicate can be applied for by completing the relevant forms that are available in the local Post Office. 

The following documents must be attached to the application for a duplicate: 

  • copy of passport
  • copy of the statement regarding the loss or theft

The duplicate is issued subject to payment of residence permit tax stamp of €16.00

A new identify photograph will be taken and a new residence permit will be issued (therefore new photos are required). Average time required for reissue is 60 days. 

Where to go

Polizia di Stato (Questura) / State Police
Via Migliore Di Cino
, 10
 - 59100
Toll free: Emergencies: 113
Switchboard: 0574 5555
Phone numbers: Immigration Office: 0574 555606-611
Fax0574 555700
Office hours: Public Relations Office (URP)
-Monday to Saturday 08.30 - 13.30

-Monday to Friday 8.30 - 12.30
-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.30 - 12.30, 14.30 - 16.30
Applications are handled in the morning and permits are consigned in the afternoon.

-Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 9.00-12.00;
-Thursday 9.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00;
-Monday by means of an online appointment (only for submitting passport applications

The office is closed on days prior to main holidays.
Opening Hours on the website:

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Where to go

Servizio immigrazione e cittadinanza / Immigration and Citizenship Services
Istanza non più presente in archivio
Last update: martedì 19 april 2022
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