Residence Permit for Medical Care

Residence Permit for Medical Care

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Residence Permit for Medical Care

Foreign nationals can apply for an entrance visa for “medical care” by applying to the diplomatic representative or Italian consulate in the country of origin. The application can be submitted by the interested party, a family member or another representative. 8 days after arrival in Italy, the foreign national must apply for the specific residence permit at the Police headquarters (Questura) in the location where the medical care will take place. The residence permit for medical care is renewable for the entire duration of the care. 

Documents to present:

  1. declaration from the chosen health facility (public or private). This is to indicate: type of care, start date and presumed duration of the care; 
  2. proof of deposit payment to the chosen health facility (to be equal to 30% of the total cost of the care);
  3. health certificate, attesting the illness of the applicant fully respecting data privacy legislation regulations; any certificate issued abroad must be submitted together with an Italian translation;
  4. documenation that demonstrates the availability of funds in Italy to pay for health costs, living and accommodation outside the health facility for the applicant for for any eventual chaperone (a bank guarantee is acceptable).
  5. documentation that demonstrates the availability of sufficient funds for the return journey to the country of origin for both the applicant and any eventual chaperone.

Note: all documentation issued abroad must be submitted together with an Italian translation

​Pregnant women without legal residency

A residence permit for medical care is also issued to foreign national women, who are pregnant and illegally resident. The permit must be applied for directly at the local Police Headquarters (Questura). The applicant must present the medical certificate stating the estimated date of birth. 

The permit is valid for the 6 months leading up to the birth and can be renewed for the first 6 months of the baby's life. 

The baby's father is also entitled to a residence permit. 


All information about how to apply for or renew a residence permit

Where to go

Polizia di Stato (Questura) / State Police
Istanza non più presente in archivio
Toll free: Emergencies: 113
Switchboard: 0574 5555
Phone numbers: Immigration Office: 0574 555606-611
Fax0574 555700
Office hours: Public Relations Office (URP)
-Monday to Saturday 08.30 - 13.30

-Monday to Friday 8.30 - 12.30
-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.30 - 12.30, 14.30 - 16.30
Applications are handled in the morning and permits are consigned in the afternoon.

-Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 9.00-12.00;
-Thursday 9.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00;
-Monday by means of an online appointment (only for submitting passport applications

The office is closed on days prior to main holidays.
Opening Hours on the website:
Last update: venerdì 25 novembre 2016
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