What are considered acts of domestic violence?
“All non-occasional acts of a physical, sexual, psychological or economic nature that occur within the family unit or between current or ex spouses or persons who are connected on an affectionate level, be it currently or retrospectively so, independent of whether the perpetrator of said acts shares or had shared the same place of residence with the victim.”
Issiung the Residence Permit
The initiation procedure and application and revocation conditions to be met in order to obtain this permit are the same as those in place for the permit for social protection.
This permit is issued by the Police Headquarters (Questura) upon recommendation by or favourable counsel from the District Attorney's Office when, in the course of carrying out investigations for mistreatment of family members, bodily wounds, genital mutilation, kidnapping, sexual violence carried out in Italy “in the area of domestic violence” it is determined that a “situation of violence or abuse towards a foreign national” is ongoing and his/her personal safety is in danger because he/she wishes to escape from the violence or collaborate with the authorities (for example, to report the aggressor).
The same permit can also be issued if the situation of violence or abuse emerges over the course of specialised social services interventions to assist victims of violence. In such a case, it is the social services who submit a recommendation to the Police Commissioner, detailing all aspects of the situation to allow him/her to evaluate the “seriousness and subsistence” of the danger to personal safety. This permit can be granted to EU citizens and non-EU citizens.
All information about how to apply for or renew a residence permit