What is the Immigration Quota

What is the Immigration Quota

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What is the Immigration Quota

See also

What is it

The Immigration Quota is a measure by which the Italian Government establishes, on an annual basis, the number of non-EU citizens that can enter Italy for subordinate, autonomous or seasonal employment. 

Usually, there are special quotas for citizens of States who have a signed agreement with Italy in relation to repatriation and for Italian citizens registered on specific lists held by the Italian diplomatic representative or Italian consolate abroad.  The immigration quota can also take into consideration the restrictions in place regarding entry of citizens from countries who do not collaborate in the fight against clandestine immigration and the repatriation of exportees. 

How to apply

Applications can only be submitted electronically. It is therefore necessary to go to one of the associations or institutions that submit applications free of charge.

For those who wish to submit the application independently, it is necessary to:

  • go to the website: www.interno.gov.it;
  • install the relevant software on your computer (it is possible to download this from the homepage of the Ministry's website):
  • register on the site to get a username and password;
  • request the online form (this differs according to the type of employment);
  • complete the form and then submit it.

How to get a visa for employtment through the immigration quota. 

After the Immigration Quota has been published and in the time allowed by the Decree itself, the employer (in the circumstance of subordinate or seasonal work) or the foreign national citizens who intends to come to Italy and work autonomously, must submit an application for the "nulla osta" authorisation at the relevant Immigration Help Desk.

The nulla osta is the document required to obtain a visa that will allow entry to Italy.  

The application for the nulla osta must be submitted using the dedicated online procedure on the Ministry for the Interior website. There is a User's Guide available on the website to help the applicant correctly submit the application online. 

Once the application is submitted, the Immigration Help Desk carries out the necessary checks and arranges for the work authorisation (nulla osta) to be sent to the Italian diplomatic representative / Consolate in the foreign national's country of origin in order for them to issue the entrance visa to Italy. 

Where to go

Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione (SUI) / Prefecture Immigration Helpdesk SUI
Istanza non più presente in archivio
Phone numbers: 0574 430234
Fax0574 430222
PEC immigrazione.prefpo@pec.interno.it
Office hours: To make an appointment: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 0900-1200
Last update: thursday 28 july 2016
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