Croatian citizens must abide by the same formalities that apply to EU citizens. Therefore, after 3 months in Italy, they must enrol at the registry office of the Town Hall (Comune) where they are resident.
On July 1st 2013, Croatia entered the European Union, becoming the 28th Member State. Croatian workers can come to work in Italy without having to follow any specific procedure, but only for specific "privatised" work sectors. Based on the dispositions in the Croatian Adhesion Treaty, for the first two years following amalgamation with other Member States, there is the possibility to apply national measures for the regulation of Croation citizens' access to the employment market. Italy has decided to implement this temporary accord.
The limitations involved relate exclusively to subordinate work. They do not apply to autonomous work.
In the non-private sector, hiring of Croation workers is subject to the application for an authorisation (nulla osta) for work, to be carried out within the entrance quota parametres.
Types of workers who do not fall under this temporary agreement.
Croatian workers can be hired directly in Italy, only if they fall under one of the following categories:
- domestic workers (home-helps, carers, babysitters etc);
- seasonal workers in the agricultural and tourism sectors;
- professional nurses, directors, sports professionals, sailors, artists, dancers, musicians or other professions listed in Article 27, Clause 1 of legislation 289/1998 (Immigration Legislation), excluding university teachers, interpreters and translators;
- researchers
- highly skilled workers