What is S.A.I.?
The project S.A.I is financed by the Ministry of interim through the National fund for politics and Asylum Services and it provides hospitality and protection for seekers, owners of international protection and other vulnerable subjects.
The municipality of Prato is the leader of the territory project in which all the municipalities of the province of the territory adhere to, that can give hospitality to 80 beneficiaries.
If the hospitality requests are more than the places available, it is possible to signal the applicant to the national network, coordinated by the central service S.A.I that will try to find the first free place among all the waiting list and cover the moving expenses of the applicant.
Services offered by S.A.I
The project S.A.I. provides hospitality services, integration and protection of the beneficiaries.
The hospitality services consist of:
- insertion in structure of small dimension;
- supply of shopping vouchers for feeding;
- orientation on the services in the territory;
- he support of a linguistic mediator;
- the facilitation of the access to socio-sanitary and educative services (Italian language courses for adult, scholastic insertion for underage).
The services of integration concerns:
- orientation to work;
- insertion in training courses and professional requalification;
- support in the search of jobs and independent housing solutions.
The services of legal protection helps the beneficiary in the procedure of asking for international protection, while the services of psycho-social guidance facilitate the access to socio-sanitary specialists services and a entopsychological support.
Duration of stay
The duration of the hospitality depends on the type of permit of stay:
- for the international protection seekers, the duration of the period of stay in the project depends on the duration of the procedure for the protection to be recognized;
- owners of protection and, except some exceptions, other types of permit of stay linked with elements of vulnerability can remain in the project for 6 months. Only the central office can extend the presence of the beneficiary in the project.
Where is S.A.I?
The protection counter, that deals with the registration in the waiting list of S.A.I in Prato is active in the immigration service office.