Summer courses for children and teenagers

Summer courses for children and teenagers

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Summer courses for children and teenagers

Summer 2020 - Covid emergency  
This year, due to the Covid-19 emergency, the Municipality of Prato has organized free summer courses, for pupils attending local schools, remotely on online platforms, in collaboration with the schools of the territory. Here all the information on Italian summer courses for children and teenagers 2020.

Who organizes the courses

The Social and Immigration Service of the Municipality of Prato, in collaboration with the School Networks of Prato, organizes Italian language courses for foreign children and teenagers every summer.

Who can participate

The courses are aimed at foreign children and young people of compulsory school age, that is  from 6 to 16 years.


The courses usually have a registration fee of 20 euros per child / teenager.


Participants are divided both on the basis of age (elementary, middle or high school) and on the basis of language level (elementary, intermediate, advanced).

An entrance test is taken at the beginning of each course.


Courses usually take place in July.

Where and when

The courses are generally carried out within certain schools.


It is possible to register with the Social and Immigration Service, in via Roma 101, during opening hours, starting from the end of May / June.

Who to contact

Immigration and Citizenship Service

Last update: venerdì 18 june 2021
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