Foreign national citizens who wish to live in Italy must have all the necessary documents for residency.
◄ Map of Prato Public Offices dealing for essential living practices, health and workwith immigration procedures (1.27 MB)
Depending on the type of document held, Public Offices in Prato specialise in the fundamental procedures relating to immigrant residency, health and work. These are as follows:
Where: piazza Cardinale Niccolò, 13 - 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- Issue of registry office certificate (family state, family certificate, residence certificate, citizenship certificate);
- Issue and renewal of identity card;
- Issue of residence certificate in Prato;
- Variation of change of residence in the district of Prato
Where: Via Roma, 101 – 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- information about entrance and residency permit in Italy;
- compilation for application of issue or renewal of residency permit;
- booking for Italian language test for people who have UE long-term residency permit;
- consultation about immigration laws, working exploitation, safeguard of victims of humans trade;
- release of suitability housing certification;
- support for people who want to enroll S.P.R.A.R.(Protection system for refuge and shelter applicants);
- linguistic mediation service;
- support for academic inclusion;
- information for social services;
- pregnancy and faily unit check;
- subsidies to prevent eviction;
- basic income or “Reddito di cittadinanza”;
- date for employment exchange and social services;
- “Punto insieme” service, a place of support for no self-sufficient old people;
Where: Corso Mazzoni, 1 (at the corner of Piazza del Comune) - 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- Information about Prato: offices, services and district documents, province, prefecture and health services office Usl Toscana centro;
- chinese and urdu informations through mother-tongue mediators;
- legalization of documents and collecting driving license;
- set of forms, tender notices and competitive exams
Where: Via Migliore di Cino, 10/12 - 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- release and renewal of residency permit;
- submit applications for asylum;
- release of residence permit for UE citizen family members
Where: Via Giubilei 16/18 - 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- choose family doctor;
- issue of health book- health;
- health insurance card;
- issue of the card for of temporarily current foreigners;
- booking of a doctor’s visit and diagnostic exams (CUP : only one centre for reservation);
- social services;
- release of physician exemption;
- bood sample for analysis;
- day hospital;
- vaccinations
Where: Via Roma 427 – 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- choose family doctor;
- issue of health book- health;
- health insurance card;
- issue of the card for of temporarily current foreigners;
- booking of a doctor’s visit and diagnostic exams (CUP : only one centre for reservation);
- social services;
- release of physician exemption;
- bood sample for analysis;
- day hospital;
- vaccinations
Where: Via Galcianese 20/L - 59100 Prato
You can ask for:
- reception;
- civil registry of job;
- match supply with demand;
- disability recruitment targets/legally protected status;
- counseling for job orientation;
- internship;
- professional training