TASI: Municipal Tax for Indivisible Services

TASI: Municipal Tax for Indivisible Services

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TASI: Municipal Tax for Indivisible Services

See also

2018 Payment 1: due by 16.06.2018 
2018 Payment 2: due by  16.12.2018

TASI is a Municipal Tax on indivisible services. "Indivisible services" are those services that provided for all, such as: security, street lighting, street maintenance, civil protection activities, registry office. 

Persons who own a building, in terms of being proprietor or other forms of possession (dwelling, life-estate "usufruct", have the use of, Emphyteusis and superficies) are liable to pay this tax.

In the year 2016, Prato Comune has decided to apply the TASI tax on buildings that are not subject to IMU. 

How to pay

It is possible to pay TASI in two ways: 

  1. with the F24 form through the bank or post office; the form needs to be compiled in the "IMU and other local charges" section, using the Prato Comune identification code, G999, together with the following charge codes: rural buildings of functional use: 3936;  other buildings: 3961
  2. with a designated post pffice payment slip that is available in all Post Offices. Payment to account number 1017381649 is valid for all Italian municipallities. Fill in the field "codice catasale" with the identification code for Prato Comune: G999.


Last update: martedì 29 ottobre 2019
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