Domestic Employment

Domestic Employment

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Domestic Employment

Who is to be considered a domestic worker?

Persons who work on a continuous basis in a family setting, in some way enhancing the functioning of same, are to be considered domestic workers.
Examples of domestic workers in Italian families are as follows: cleaning lady, child-minder, cook, waiter, gardener, driver and home help (i.e. persons who take care of the sick, elderly or disabled).

How to hire a domestic worker 

Hiring a non-EU domestic worker. 

If the non-EU worker is resident in Italy, the employer must communicate all the required paperwork, via the online system, in relation to hiring, modications of contract and termination of contract

The worker must have a valid residence permit for the duration of the proposed work contract; when the residence permit is being renewed the worker must present a copy of the Obligatory Hiring Communication document at the Police Headquarters (Questura). 

If the non-EU worker is resident abroad, the employer must wait for the Immigration Quota to be published and the submit an application for a Nulla Osta. 

Furthermore, as outlined in the Residence Contract, the employer must: 

  • cover the cost of travel for the worker to return to his/her country of origin;
  • commit to communicating any modification to the employment contract;
  • guarantee the availability of suitable accommodation and when he/she is called to the Immigration HelpDesk to be issued the Nulla Osta, must present the receipt for the application for a Suitability of Accommodation Certificate that has been issued by Prato Comune or the relevant ASL office (the certificate must be applied for even if the worker will reside at the emplyer's home).

Hiring an EU citizen domestic worker

The procedure to hire an EU citizen or a new EU citizen (from an member state that has recently entered the European Union) is the same as hiring an Italian citizen. Nevertheless, when an EU citizen is hired, he/she must have a tax code. 

Citizens from the EU, Switzerland and from states within the European Economic Space (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) are treated on an equal basis. 

Last update: lunedì 20 june 2016
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