The Municipality of Prato is committed to combating illegal hiring, illegal work and the exploitation of migrant citizens and puts its offices available to provide information and guidance on the procedures and methods of protection as required by Italian laws .
If you are a foreign citizen victim of severe labor exploitation, prostitution or trafficking, you can collaborate with the institutions to bring out your situation of exploitation so as to have the possibility to request the issue of a residence permit and to be included in a protected social program.
Contact the Immigration Service of the Municipality of Prato to find out about your rights. Italian law protects your position!
You can call for more information or book an appointment and speak in person with our operators. If you have difficulty with the Italian language, you can ask to speak with the Chinese, Arabic, Urdu, English, French and Albanian language translators present at our desk:
Immigration service of the municipality of Prato
Via Roma, 101 - Prato
Tel. 0574 1835420
free number 800 242525
The service is activated as part of the "Memorandum of Understanding on the prevention and contrast of the phenomena of labor exploitation and the protection of victims" signed in 2018 between the Municipality of Prato and the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Prato as well as the collaboration with the SATIS network (Tuscan Anti-Trafficking System Social Interventions to which the Municipality of Prato join.