Information to access Classe Viva

Information to access Classe Viva

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Information to access Classe Viva

Dear parents, considering that the school is now closed, teachers have to write students' homework assignments on the electronic class register. 

Parents are reminded that Classe Viva is the only channel to use and so it's essential and necessary  to continue strengthen the students' activities in this period of teaching activity' suspension. Therefore it's essential to constantly consult the Message Board because the teachers will write there the activities to stimulate and engage students in learning, in order not to forget what the students have been learning so far.

  • Parents can use their mobile phones or computers. Using Google Chrome/Mozilla they have to go on the Internet and type Classeviva Spaggiari or it's better if they write the website on the password the school sent to them.
  • A red web page will open, at the top left there is written Gruppospaggiariparma and below there is a big rectangle, where you have to write your Username, and a little rectangle, where you have to write your Password. Eventually, you click on 'confirmation' (conferma). 
  • The electronic class register will open and on the home screen you have to click on the word Agenda, where there is the week's homework schedule or on Didattica (teaching), where you can find the homework.


Last update: martedì 08 february 2022
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