Distance' school

Distance' school

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Distance' school

Considering the teaching activities’present suspension due to Covid-19 epidemiological emergency, all the territory’s Educational Institutes activated distance learining.

This means that teachers give lessons and assign homework to the students through electronic class register

When the school activities are normally carried out as well, the electronic class register is a very important tool to interact with the school. Now it is fundamental to allow the students to continue their learning path in this emergency situation. 

The distance learning is available also for the students who attend Italian language courses at school. On the electronic class register you can find distance learning activities to continue studying the Italian language. There are lessons with the classroom’ teachers along with the Italian language course’s teacher to help those who don’t speak Italian well. 


How can I access the electronic class register?

The school has previously sent to all parents the credentials (username and password) that they need to log in the electronic class register.

If parents lost the credentials or they haven’t received them, it’s possible to write or call their children’ school. You can consult the list the school’s contacts and to find out what electronic class register the school uses. (81.66 KB) File con estensione pdf 

There are two kinds of electronic class register used by schools:

- Classe Viva (I.C. Marco Polo, I.C. Nord, I.C. Cironi, I.C. Ghandi, I.C. Malaparte, I.C. Lippi, San Niccolò)

- Did Up (I.C Iva Pacetti, I.C. Mascagni, I.C Puddu, I.C Primo Levi, I.C Don Milani, I.C. Convenevole, I.C. Castellani, I.C. Mazzoni)

Furthermore, it’s important to know that the schools’ administrative offices are now closed, but it’s possible to get or give information on your situation by calling or sending an e-mail.

If you have connection’s problems or you need any further information or explanation, contact your school!

Schools can call you through a Chinese language interpreter as well.

Even though the situation is difficult, it’s important to keep in touch and collaborate to overcome the emergency together. 

Last update: venerdì 11 dicembre 2020
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